Health & Wellness

FirstStop Martha’s Vineyard – FirstStop MV is an Island-wide, community driven initiative to support the health and wellness of our community by connecting people to information and critical resources for Island seniors. Search the online database by keyword or topic in order to locate a service provider or other resource that may be able to help you or your loved ones. You may also call the FirstStop MV office at 774-549-0555 to speak with a staff person who can give you information about how to locate services.
NN/LM National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Advancing the progress of medicine and improving the public health through access to health information.
Upisland Council on Aging – Council on Aging helps to identify the physical and social needs and interests of senior residents in the towns of West Tisbury, Chilmark and Aquinnah. This includes educating the community to these needs and to design, coordinate and implement programs and services for elder persons sixty years or age of older. Services are continually provided to improve the quality of life of elders by assisting them in remaining as physically mobile, mentally alert and socially active as possible.
Mayo Clinic – Healthy Lifestyle – Healthy Aging – Healthy aging: Beyond 50. Healthy aging is a hot topic. Whether you’re concerned about weight gain, sex drive or chronic diseases, the key to healthy aging is a healthy lifestyle. Eating a variety of nutritious foods, practicing portion control and including physical activity in your daily routine can go a long way toward promoting healthy aging. The Mayo Clinic offers healthy aging advise.
The Vineyard Health Care Access Program – The Vineyard Health Care Access Program is a community-based service of Dukes County that connects residents of Martha’s Vineyard with health benefits.