

WT Poet Laureate Submissions Due

Call for Nominations for West Tisbury Poet Laureate!

The West Tisbury Library is seeking nominations for the new West Tisbury Poet Laureate for 2025-2028. The term of Tain Leonard-Peck, our current town poet laureate, is coming to a close. We thank Tain for providing us with a new poem to enjoy each year. Tain will read one more poem at West Tisbury’s Town Meeting this spring. 

Poet Laureate Nominees must be residents of West Tisbury and willing to help raise public awareness of the importance of poetry to our Island community. Please nominate yourself or someone else. Submit a poet’s name and contact information by emailing wt_mail@clamsnet.org. The deadline for submissions is March 1st, 2025. The new poet laureate will be appointed by April 1st and introduced at the Town Meeting.

For more information about the nomination process and the role of town Poet Laureate, visit https://westtisburylibrary.org/publiclibrary/west-tisbury-poet-laureate/


Mar 01 2025


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