Documentary Screening: Yellow Tide on Cape Cod
On Wednesday, May 8, at 4:30pm, come to the West Tisbury Library for a documentary screening and presentation with the team from the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Tech Center (MASSTC). Free and open to the public.
MASSTC is celebrating their 25 year anniversary and is on a year-long Waste No Water Library Tour! Come see the screening of an 11-minute short film by Scientific American, “A Yellow Tide on Cape Cod,” featuring MASSTC, and discuss ways to solve the issue of nitrogen and phosphorus in our waters including sewering, Innovative/Alternative (I/A) septic technologies, and even urine diversion. MASSTC’s Cape and Islands-wide library series was created to engage individual towns to take a closer look at their wastewater successes and challenges and how to be an active citizen fighting for cleaner water. Come with lots of questions for the MASSTC team who will be on hand.
Based on the Upper Cape, The Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Technology Center (MASSTC) is the nation’s leading third-party testing and research facility for innovative/alternative (I/A) onsite septic treatment technologies. In the early 1990s, it became evident that nitrogen and other contaminants originating from domestic wastewater were causing damaging effects to Cape Cod’s marine resources and coastal embayments. In 1998, the Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment and its partners established the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center (MASSTC) for the purpose of investigating nitrogen reduction and testing advanced onsite septic system technologies. Today MASSTC engages in extensive research funded by state and federal grants and manages the Barnstable County I/A tracking program. They are also very actively involved in urine diversion research through a number of collaborations.