

Documentary Screening with Victoria Campbell: Monsieur le Président

On Wednesday, July 10, at 3:30pm, at the West Tisbury Library, join filmmaker Victoria Campbell for a screening of her documentary, Monsieur le Président. Free and open to the public.

About the film:
“American filmmaker Victoria Campbell enters Haiti just days after the 2010 Haitian earthquake, with a camera and a small valise of medical supplies. There she meets Gaston, a beloved voodoo priest who, with nothing but hustle and hope, revives a defunct clinic and staffs it with a doctor and nurses.

Gaston is celebrated in the neighborhood, but then the story takes a sinister turn.

No one is a hero. Nothing is what it seems.”

Victoria Campbell is an award-winning documentary filmmaker. Her work has screened at the Museum of Modern Art, Ann Arbor Film Festival, DOC NYC, Toronto International Women Film Festival, School of Visual Arts Lecture Series, and Iceland Experimental Film Festival. Much of her film work is considered visual essay and hybrid-diary. Victoria is interested in documenting what’s around her, making use of her own life and experiences. Some of her editing work has appeared on PBS. She currently teaches English and Social Studies at the West Tisbury School on Martha’s Vineyard. 


Jul 10 2024


3:30 pm - 5:30 pm